Dear users,
DigiFinex has listed CCA at 11:00 (GMT+8) on 18 Dec 2020. The opening of trading and deposit/withdrawal services is scheduled as follows:
- CCA/USDT trading pairs will be opened at 17:00 (GMT+8) on Dec 28, 2020
- Deposit and withdrawal of CCA will be opened at 11:00 (GMT+8) on Dec 31, 2020
We will launch the following events:
Event period: 28 Dec 17:00 - 6 jan 17:00 (GMT+8)
1. Net deposit rewards
During this event, users whose net deposits ≥10000 CCA (net deposits = deposits - withdrawals) can share 40,000 CCA according to proportion of individual deposit amount in all deposits.
2. CCA red packet reward
A red packet will be available for users who complete KYC during the event. Limited time, limited offer, so hurry up now!!
Join our Telegram group ( to get the password. Ask your friends to join it too!
Password prompt:
How to collect red packet: Login to DigiFinex APP --> Home --> Red Packet --> Enter password --> Open
3. Trading competition
During this event, users whose trading volume of CCA reaches 2,000 USDT and ranks among the top 20 can share 220,000 CCA according to rankings.
- 1st place: 50,000 CCA
- 2nd place: 30,000 CCA
- 3rd place: 20,000 CCA
- 4th-10th place: split 70,000 CCA equally
- 11th-20th place: split 50,000 CCA equally
During this event, users whose CCA trading volume ranks behind the top 20 but reaches 2,000 USDT can share 30,000 CCA according to trading volume.
4. Staking reward
We will set 100,000 CCA in candy box and users can get interest by locking CCA. Rewards will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.
CCA rewards = locked CCA amount * days of locking * 0.3%
CCA can be locked for 5-20 days with at least 1,000 CCA locked at a time. Every user can be rewarded up to 10,000 CCA
For instance, if you lock 10,000 CCA in the candy box for 10 days, you will be rewarded with 300 CCA at last.
Guide: Login DigiFinex App -> Homepage -> Candy Box -> enter lock amount -> claim staking reward
CCA official website:
CCA coin is commodity circulation accelerating DeFi platform, which was released in October 2020, based on the technique of 3rd generation PoS 3.0 block chain.
The following Block chain connects without a middleman or bank through ‘Smart contract’ of AOK main-net between subjects who trade commodity circulation. The block chain makes reliable trade by ensuring fairness, clarity and credibility on circulation allowance occurred in the process between the couple of parties.
The participant can invest and also join in donation at the same time Through automatically accumulating the part of interest of participants' deposit coin as a donation. Through the system platform provide the benefit to the participant and also contribute to viability of sustainable enterprise by ensuring clarity and financial solvency.
Thank you for your support!
DigiFinex Team
17th Dec 2020
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DigiFinex ( LIMITED. reserves all rights of this event, including but not limited to adjustment, explanation and termination at any time.
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