Dear users,
Digifinex has listed Tokenlon (LON) at 16:00 (GMT+8) on Dec 23, 2020. Opening schedule is as follows:
- Deposit opening time: deposit has been opened for service [deposit now>>>]
- Trading opening time: LON/USDT will be opened 16:00 (GMT+8) on Dec 23, 2020
- Withdrawal opening time: 16:00 (GMT+8) on Dec 24, 2020
[Trade to share trading fees]
Campaign period: Dec 23, 2020 16:00 - Dec 27, 2020 16:00 (GMT+8)
During this event, users who trade LON can share 80% of all the trading fees generated in LON/USDT trading pair during this event period according to users individual trading volume.
1.Trading volume = amount bought + amount sold;
2.Rewards will be distributed in 7 working days after this event ends.
Project Details:
Project name: Tokenlon (LON)
Official website:
Smart Contract Address:
Tokenlon is a decentralized exchange and payment settlement protocol based on blockchain technology. It leverages the characteristics of decentralized blockchain networks:Permissionless, Trustless, Anti-censorship, and Robustness. Tokenlon, originated in 2017, aiming to offer in-wallet decentralized exchange, with the vision of Tokenlon becoming an infrastructure of decentralized payment services that provides real-time payment and settlement between different networks and different currencies.
Thank you for your support!
DigiFinex Team
23rd Dec 2020
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DigiFinex ( LIMITED. reserves all rights of this event, including but not limited to adjustment, explanation and termination at any time.
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