1.What is Dual Investment?
Dual Investment is a non-principal protected structured saving product with enhanced yield, involving two different currencies. Upon subscription, you select the underlying asset, the deposit currency, subscription amount, and delivery date. Your return will be denominated in the deposit currency or alternate currency, depending on the below conditions.
There are two types of Dual Investment product: (1) Up-and-Exercised and (2) Down-and-Exercised.
For Up-and-Exercised product,
In simple terms, this means that if the Settlement Price is above (up) the Strike Price, the product is “exercised”.
- the product is “exercised” if Settlement Price ≥ Strike Price
- the product is “not exercised” if Settlement Price < Strike Price
For Down-and-Exercised product,
In simple terms, this means that if the Settlement Price is below (down) the Strike Price, the product is “exercised”.
- the product is “exercised” if Settlement Price ≤ Strike Price
- the product is “not exercised” if Settlement Price > Strike Price
For both types of Dual Investment products, you will receive the returns in deposit currency if the product is not exercised. You will receive the returns in alternate currency if the product is exercised.
Each subscribed product has a delivery date. We will take the spot price at 08:00 (UTC) on the delivery date as the settlement price.
2.How is my return calculated?
(1) When a product is “exercised”, your subscription amount and interest income will be converted into the alternate currency with a strike price as conversion rate. The below formula shows the total amount you will be receiving:
(Subscription Amount * Strike Price) * [1 + (APY% * Deposit Days / 365)]
(Subscription Amount / Strike Price) * [1 + (APY% * Deposit Days / 365)]
(2) When a product is “not exercised”, your subscription amount and interest income will not be converted and you will receive in the deposit currency. The below formula shows the total amount you will be receiving:
Subscription Amount * [1 + (APY% * Deposit Days / 365)]
3.Are the Strike Price and APY fixed?
The strike price is fixed and will not change. Occasionally, we may stop accepting new subscriptions temporarily if a product has a strike price too close to the current reference spot price.
APY is always changing and this is majorly dependent on the strike price, remaining deposit days, and also price volatility. Once you have subscribed to a Dual Investment product, the APY will be locked in throughout your deposit days and will not change thereon.
4.When will I get my returns?
Each subscribed product has a delivery date. We will take the average of the spot price in the last 30 minutes before 16:00 (UTC+8) on delivery date as Settlement price.Your return will be transferred to your spot account within 48 hours from 16:00 (UTC+8). Dual Investment products cannot be redeemed early. You can only receive the returns after the delivery date, but not earlier.
5.Can I cancel my subscription?
Unfortunately, you cannot cancel your subscription once you have subscribed. Please read through the product terms carefully before subscribing.
6.What are “Strike Price”, “Underlying Asset”, “Deposit Currency”, “Alternate Currency”, “Deposit Days”, and “Settlement Price”?
Strike Price
A set price at which deposit currency will be converted into alternate currency if the product is exercised.
Underlying Asset
An asset on which a Dual Investment product is based. For instance, if you are making reference to BTC spot price and BTC strike price, then the underlying asset is BTC.
Deposit Currency
The currency you have used to subscribe to a Dual Investment product.
Alternate Currency
The currency you will be receiving if the product is exercised.
Deposit Days
A number of days remaining until the delivery date.
Settlement Price
Average of the spot price in the last 30 minutes before 08:00 (UTC) on the delivery date. Settlement price and strike price determines whether a product is exercised or not.
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