DigiFinex는 2021년07월19일에 Luxury Boom Squa (LBS) 를 신규 상장할 예정입니다.
2021/07/19 17:00 (GMT+9) 에 Luxury Boom Squa (LBS) 거래 서비스가 오픈되겠습니다.
2021/07/19 12:00 (GMT+9)부터 입금 가능합니다.
2021/07/19 17:00 (GMT+9)부터 거래 가능합니다.
2021/07/15 12:00 (GMT+9)부터 출금 가능합니다.
상장 거래페어:LBS/USDT
프로젝트 소개
코인명:Luxury Boom Squa(LBS)
블록 브라우저:
LBS introduction:
LBS token project is an integrated distribution management system proposing to solve the problem of the existing system through blockchain technology. The process from being produce by the entrepreneur to being consumed by the consumer through system of LBS token project is designed to be transparent and quickly shared by the blockchain technology. Through securing this transparency, speed of all process, the entrepreneur can verify the product and service being provided and the consumer can secure the safety regarding all process in result both entrepreneur and consumer can secure economic feasibility through efficient integrated distribution management system.
LBS foundation which has established the standards regarding the luxury distribution management process focusing on the data base company management technology that carried out actual work by being in charge of reclaiming luxury product market to distribution through large investment, R&D, and market investigation, is jumping into secure the human, material infra in order to build the base of the LBS platform by adding blockchain onto the necessities of living including discovering, distributing, and managing other new makers.
Through these operational effort, LBS is going to develop a efficient, quicker, and accurate luxury product management solution through blockchain instead of just solving the existing problem as the No. 1 company in the luxury product market stretching out into the world from the popular fashion countries such as Italy etc. making this advance as the most suitable alternative.
해당 프로젝트는 비교적 높은 위험이 존재하므로 급격한 가격변동을 일으킬수 있습니다. 위험을 충분히 파악하고 토큰관련 정보들을 모두 이해한 후 거래하시길 바랍니다. 이성적인 판단력으로 신중하게 투자 결정을 내리시리 바라며 플랫폼에서 리스크 관련 안내를 해드리지만 그 어떠한 투자행위에도 담보 보상 등의 책임을 지지 않습니다.
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카카오 채팅방: https://open.kakao.com/o/gEGFa7uc
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