1.Entry price
Entry price is the average cost price and the actual cost of opening a position. It will not change after the settlement. Under the same type of futures, positions of the same pair in the same direction and same mode will be calculated jointly.
2. Freezing of funds:
Funds occupied by the current limit order.
3. Available Funds:
Funds in a futures account that are currently available to open positions.
Available Funds = Account Equity - Occupied Margin - Frozen Funds - Unrealized Gains and Losses
4. Open Positions:
The maximum number of positions that can be opened by the current user
Openable Positions = Available Margin * Leverage / ((Futures Multiplier / Commission Price)*(1 + Order Fee Rate))
Note: If the client fills in the form independently, it will be calculated automatically; if the price is not filled in, the latest price will be taken to calculate the openable position.
5. Position Amount:
Position = Total Position * Futures Multiplier / Futures Latest Price
Turnover: the amount of futures transactions in base currency.
Turnover = Volume * Future Multiplier / Future Price
6.Account Equity
Margin Account Equity = Account Balance + Current-period Realized PnL of All Futures + Current-period Unrealized of All Futures
7.Realized PnL
Realized PnL refers to the profit or loss of a closed position, which includes the transaction fees, funding paid or received by users.
Realized PnL (Long) =(Position Closing price– Position Price)* Long Positions (cont) * Future Face Value
Realized PnL (Short) =(Position Price – Position Closing price)* Short Positions (cont) * Future Face Value
8. Unrealized Profit & Loss(UPL)
The profit / loss generated by a position that has yet to be closed,which will change with the latest price.
Long side:
UPL of futures = (1 / position price - 1 / latest price) * Number of futures * Future face value
Short side:
UPL of futures = (1 / latest price - 1 / position price) * Number of futures * Future face value
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